Questi acquerelli sono tutti dipinti senza disegno preliminare, con un target massimo di tempo di 15 minuti.
Here is a new series of small watercolors that I did to practice to paint quickly. As I have written on other occasions, the method of the Master Gorlini, which often I try to apply in my works with watercolors, gives priority to the freedom of expression, spontaneity and speed of execution.
These watercolors are all painted without preliminary drawing, with a target time of 15 minutes maximum.
La rete / The net Acquerello 22 x 30 cm. Venduto / Sold |
Paesaggio alpino / Alpine landscape Acquerello 13,5 x 15,5 cm. |
Viola e giallo / Violet and yellow Acquerello 22 x 30 cm. |
Autunno / Autumn Acquerello 12 x 20 cm. |
Blu / Blue Acquerello 13,5 x 15,5 cm. |
Controluce / Backlight Acquerello 17 x 13 cm. |